Living on the web has the potential to make life a lot easier and at the same time, a lot less private. One area that still has a lot of people worried, and with some good reason, is making purchases. The main frustration I encounter plenty, is with the requirement of most purchases, that you default to an auto-renewal of that purchase unless you notify otherwise.
This is a very legitimate and profitable way of doing business, and allows people the freedom from having to babysit subscriptions and other recurring purchases.
Sometimes we make credit card purchases that turn out to be something other than what we wanted or in some way cause us to reconsider having that recurring charge. Usually, the last information available, and sometimes not available easily, is how to cancel; the less legitimate, the harder it is to find. Well, PayPal has an option, whenever a purchase is made that sets up a recurring hit on the account, that allows the cancellation of that recurring hit, with the click of an option.
Obviously, credit card purchases should never be made capriciously, however, many websites use the, "this price available this time only, if you leave this site, the price is gone..." approach, and that does sometimes lead to purchases that are less than well researched.
It's nice to know that some places not only guard your online information well, but have safeguards built in that to some extent, make the reversal of a rush decision not have to result in an all night search for the receipt, or purchase information.
This is just one more reason that I am ecstatic to be make my home on the Web.
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