Thursday, August 14, 2008

No Snow, No Test Pattern on the WWW

I still remember growing up, if all else failed, it was time to go to bed when the last channel went to snow or a test pattern. It was the end of another programming day.

Now, being connected to the world, and having cyber friends and events happening all over the world, the line is harder to see.

Oh wait, that's my heavy eyelids! ;)

We have to remember, that even though somewhere in the world, the sun is rising, our bodies have a clock, set to local time, and they need to rest. Living on the WWW does not mean we have to be awake for all events.

No worries, if anything important happens while you sleep, someone will come get you, and let you know, maybe even Ted Turner (CNN). Either way, the adage still applies, "early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." You won't find yourself falling asleep in the middle of the day.

Now off to bed with ye.

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