Well, here we sit on the brink of the largest possible financial disaster in World History, and we all saw it coming a year or more ago, but while some were saying we are in a recession but doing nothing, others were saying, "the fundamentals of our economy are as sound as ever."
The problem we now have is that many leaders are lining up, happy to try their hand at saving us from this awful mess they have gotten us into, using exactly the same tricks that brought down Enron and other huge corporations. By claiming that deregulation equals less government interference, they set us up with what feels like the "Free Market Capitalism" we all thought we were living in, all the while, allowing unchecked greed to take its course on weaker players and unaware consumers. (Enron is a good example of this with massive power shut downs in California because of price gaming by some speculators and traders, affecting millions of people's lives while a few played God.)
When the damage has been done, and the major players that know better have ditched and taken their booty with them, the government then swoops in and says they will save us, but we are all going to have to tighten our purse strings for a few years and there may be a lot of people losing their retirements, but we can't bail out all the little people, because if the big guys fall, we all fall. So we are going to have to prop up the big guys and you all are going to be okay eventually. Because of the prior deregulation, what was morally wrong, has not been legally wrong, so those responsible, are guilty only of guessing wrong and losing millions of other people's money while protected from personal responsibility, going down in infamy, to have to spend the rest of their wretched lives consulting, or worse, retiring in some other part of the world with the booty.
Here we go again. Hurry up and pass this well-thought, carefully constructed 3 page, $700 Billion dollar proposal that gives emperor like decision power over who lives and who dies, company-wise. The game gets more wild as both sides wrangle to win support, and Bush looks more pathetic than ever with his laymen terms lesson of how all this nucular economics thing works and why this "sitiation" has all of a sudden become so dire there is no way we can just hope it away any more, like we did the whole last 8 years.
What can we do? Does this now set up our President, 4 months before leaving office, to put into place some huge sweeping reform, an Executive Order maybe, worse than the Twin Towers justification for Homeland Security, wiretapping, the torture and killing of innocent people, and the like?
We can only wait in suspense. What else is there at this point?
Tick Tock.
The problem we now have is that many leaders are lining up, happy to try their hand at saving us from this awful mess they have gotten us into, using exactly the same tricks that brought down Enron and other huge corporations. By claiming that deregulation equals less government interference, they set us up with what feels like the "Free Market Capitalism" we all thought we were living in, all the while, allowing unchecked greed to take its course on weaker players and unaware consumers. (Enron is a good example of this with massive power shut downs in California because of price gaming by some speculators and traders, affecting millions of people's lives while a few played God.)
When the damage has been done, and the major players that know better have ditched and taken their booty with them, the government then swoops in and says they will save us, but we are all going to have to tighten our purse strings for a few years and there may be a lot of people losing their retirements, but we can't bail out all the little people, because if the big guys fall, we all fall. So we are going to have to prop up the big guys and you all are going to be okay eventually. Because of the prior deregulation, what was morally wrong, has not been legally wrong, so those responsible, are guilty only of guessing wrong and losing millions of other people's money while protected from personal responsibility, going down in infamy, to have to spend the rest of their wretched lives consulting, or worse, retiring in some other part of the world with the booty.
Here we go again. Hurry up and pass this well-thought, carefully constructed 3 page, $700 Billion dollar proposal that gives emperor like decision power over who lives and who dies, company-wise. The game gets more wild as both sides wrangle to win support, and Bush looks more pathetic than ever with his laymen terms lesson of how all this nucular economics thing works and why this "sitiation" has all of a sudden become so dire there is no way we can just hope it away any more, like we did the whole last 8 years.
What can we do? Does this now set up our President, 4 months before leaving office, to put into place some huge sweeping reform, an Executive Order maybe, worse than the Twin Towers justification for Homeland Security, wiretapping, the torture and killing of innocent people, and the like?
We can only wait in suspense. What else is there at this point?
Tick Tock.
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