I have been very impressed with how quickly my once shaky ideas for what I would make of my presence on the web have unfolded. I am pleased and animated by what is emerging for me as a very clear path with instructions lighting the way as I forge ahead.
The website linked in this blog, called http://www.startupnation.com is one I stumbled upon when doing a search for how people are using the term "flesh out" v. "flush out" as regards an idea or a plan. My vote is firmly in the "flesh out" camp and I believe the evidence for that stance is solid.
My point however, is that I am taking nothing as accidental, but am building upon the framework of casual browsing and "fleshing out" that framework as I go, into what I hope will be a thriving service on the web. Here again, I refer to the linked article, "Doing Business by Doing Good: Social Entrepreneurship" as proof that ending up at startupnation.com was no accident, because I have to say, at first I doubted whether or not my idea was viable enough to take the plunge. However, as the article says, and as the movie quote that titles this article suggests, if there is a need that will be filled by this inspiration, then they will come. The corollary to this states however, that if you don't build it, your chances of having someone ask you to, are pretty much nil. In other words, "it is impossible to steer a parked car". Action is the best cure for fear.
I saw another quote in an article today that takes me along the same lines, inspiring me on the way to establishing a service for those who are nervous, or simply uninformed about how easy it is to safely live on the web, and that article came to me in one of my newsletters that I have flooding my inbox. It was stated by Andrew Snyder of TFN (Today's Financial News).
"The nation’s leaders have long admitted the nation’s days as a manufacturing power are over. We are a full-fledge service economy. So we need to act like one. " – Andrew Snyder
To me that means that we simply as a nation, need to allow for and accept the changes that are hitting us at breakneck speed and stop putting into office, leaders who will continue to prop up failing sectors of our society, which only delays the inevitable demise in most cases, and drains the coffers that the American Taxpayer pays into, in the process. We are ramping up for another momentous change in the direction of our work world, as a nation, and we need to stop allowing the ones afraid of change to dictate how public monies are spent, because it ultimately dilutes the amounts that can be spent in the legitimate growth areas of our economy. More on this in another blog.
Check out startupnation.com. It is worth your visit to see some of the thinking that is shaping the decade ahead.
Monday, March 24, 2008
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